Why don't devs read the fucking docs?

Time and time again I find my coworkers inventing new ways of doing stuff that could easily be done with existing features.

Today I saw this on a code review (functions are from lodash):


That's what fucking `find` does, you dense motherfucker!

This is just a tiny example. I've seen so much of this shit. Sometimes it's almost art how they find ways to solve problems without actually reading the docs.

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    This is so relatable and unproductive for the business.. I hear your pain.

    Hope these devs come to their senses instead of making everyones lives much tougher.

    Let me guess, are they originally/mainly backend devs that were assigned to a fullstack/frontend team?
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    @ChachiKlaus I agree. My coworkers joke that I know all lodash functions and use me as a living lodash encyclopedia. Then this is what happens when I leave for a few days.
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    @bioDan on the contrary, they are web devs that usually just do layout and CSS. There's nothing wrong with it, they are real CSS wizards, but their JavaScript is cringe worthy sometimes.
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    @shellbug wow.. Never knew any true CSS wizards. Do they do vectored designs and animations and such or are they just more experienced and knowledgable? (The second type i did know but they also did some great JS with Angular 1 and lodash)
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    @bioDan they do amazing animations, yes, but they're mostly experienced and knowledgeable. 😅 What they do sometimes looks like magic to me, so I say they are wizards.

    Anyway, it doesn't make sense to me that they took the effort to know so much about CSS but don't care about learning other things that they use.
  • 1
    *Cinema sins voice*: *ding* Reading...
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