
Freelancers: How do you get your Clients? How do you convince them of what you can do for them? Any articles, tips, experiences and stories appreciated!

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    Work with another person the opposite of you to be full stack, offer everything at a competitive price, never sell yourself short, make portfolio, make a contract, put out ads, contact local business, print business cards! That last ones important.
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    Show them - portfolio, testimonials. Make your pitch so strong they will have to talk to you. Remember, It's all about them. It's all about them.
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    I've been lucky to have slipped into a niche area where there are not many developers but a huge demand (Cinema 4D Plugin Development), resulting in me becoming fairly popular in that area. I've started working as a freelancer the instant I turned 18 (now 21). I can claim confidently that I am one of the best available (ie. open to accept jobs) in this area of expertise. People usually just contact me via email and ask me whether I can create what they need.

    Maybe you can find yourself a similar niche. :)
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    @grolofson You shouldn't hand out business cards like it's free food samples tho x) ... I was listening to a podcast on networking, and they said something about business cards and how you should either have none, or carry just a few and be really selective. (I'll link the podcast in a moment)
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    Nice guys! Really appreciate your Posts. Im an android dev and I want to offer business apps in B2B
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    I can't find the episode... It was a Clients From Hell podcast tho. If you're looking for advice on freelancing related stuff, give it a listen!
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    @P3t3r6 been using business card for years. In my option anyone that tells you to not use them they are steering you wrong. Networking and marketing are all about making it known that you exist.

    Their are a few small business in my family and they all use business cards.

    It's a real great way to leave something tangible that a person can touch, not only that I can attest to having gotten a client from a business card I didn't even pass out because it was passed on from the person i gave it to to someone else.
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    @grolofson Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you. It's just that some people let the card do all the "talking", instead of actually networking with who's in front of them... I can't explain properly, but I'm gonna try to find that podcast, cause the guy put it in a way that really made sense, and I thought it was a pretty interesting way of seeing it...
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