
Holy shit my cat just executed a fuckin roach.
She was eating her food when suddenly she stops, stares in the dark corner. I'm thinking stupid cat just finish ur dinner already. But she is frozen, eyes locked in one direction

Suddenly, she jumps and smacks a fucking big roach. No it didn't kill it. She didn't intend to kill it. She den proceeds to play ice hockey with this lil guy, tossing b/w her paws and occasionally hitting the goal shot. Lil fucker makes one last stand, tries to run away.
Cat Bites d fkin wing away. Roach still is fkin moving. Very calmly, she waits for him to move an inch and then BAM blows the fkin leg away.
Satisfied with the kill she proceeds to finish her dinner and goes to sleep like this didn't even happen.

Ill never be as cool as my cat and neither will you. Let that sink in.

(Of course I've seen multiple dead insects around d house earlier but this is first time i saw the hunt live)

  • 6
    My cat is old and has trouble eating but still hunted down a bird the other day :D
  • 3
    A fkin bird u say? Incredible. This lil fella only brings home rats. My cade needs to git gud @jonii
  • 4
    Pictures of your cade ?
  • 9
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  • 3
    @yatanvesh beautiful 😺😻
  • 3
    @yatanvesh she is really pretty and savage 😻
  • 3
    @yatanvesh yip, she's fucking wild. She's an outside cat and always in a fight with sone other cat or dog πŸ˜…
  • 4
    Turn it into a movie
  • 5
    @yatanvesh damn you need to make it as your phone wallpaper
  • 2
    Damn all d wallpaper pics of cat are in mum's phone. And she's out of d city right now. Expect another πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ pic of her in 2 weeks @devTea
  • 1
    Yeyy ur coder buddy is rad @XiovV
  • 2
    Blacky, normally too lazy to hunt except when he is hungry then he becomes a monster.
  • 1
    Hecking sleeping cade 17/10 will pet given cade doesn't bite my hands away@Gosch
  • 2
    Give that cat a gentle pat for that.
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