
I want to make IF b1 Color is white it shall be lightgreen but it didn’t work can someone explain plz?

  • 5
    Without knowing the language I’d guess you need double equals (==) for the test.
  • 2
    Where do you set b1 and also please use ... == ...
  • 1
    @oxmox I will send the rest of the code tomorrow.
  • 3
    == not =
    Why on earth are you switching colours if it’s already set, just set it to the right colour to begin with!
  • 5
    @D--M there is a question tag, they are there so people could ask question
  • 0
    You can put _anything_ in those tags, so i disagree
  • 4
    @D--M so tags doesn’t mean anything and useless?
  • 0
    I can put 'lookforswingersparty' in a tag, because I can put it there makes it completely valid to you?

    If thats the base line of what is valid and not valid to you, then this conversation is moot because it means that I might as well use devRant to find swingers orgies.
  • 7
    @D--M There is a question tag was made so people could ask question, if you're butthurt because you don't like people asking question here, there is also filter to remove question tag from your feed. He's not using a wrong tag,

    If you downvote because 'Not for me', use filter

    It's not a repost, and certainly not offensive/spam
  • 1
    @D--M of course this place is for questions. It's for everything. We're all like minded people in one particular way, it's be wrong not to help each other.
  • 1
    @C0D4 it’s a game where if the Color gets write it shall be light green again
  • 3
    @D--M let me know if you find one on here 😉
  • 2

    I’m with @devTea
    What’s so bad about asking a DEV community a DEV related question, I get this isn’t SO, and asking here is usually a last resort and I get this is ideally a place for rants as per the name but where’s the harm in asking for some help?

  • 1
    @C0D4 @devTea
    Yeah, fair point.

    I suppose looking back, my actual issue is that the question is fucking retarded, like every rant OP does.

    You answer, and he comes back for more. They aren't even real questions. Its like *picture of screen* "y mi cod nu werk"

    I enjoy answering questions... When the person is trying to learn. Not get others to do the work for them.
  • 1
    @D--M What is your problem, i am just asking a question after two hours on google I didn’t find the answer what is wrong with asking when.
  • 0

    Because your question, in my humblest of opinions (read as, absolutely correct)

    Belongs on stack overflow, where it is a dedicated teaching spot. They will teach you how to ask questions properly.
  • 0
    Ye maybe that but you gets like f**** angry so fu@“&) fast please watch your language because you sound like you fuc)/8 can kill someone
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