i mean.. i know my code is bad, intellij, but u dont have to shove it in my face

  • 10
    lol that was rude :P
  • 13
    Are all intellij messages this "concise"? Maybe that's why intellij is so lightweight.
  • 1
    Wow, can it be any more blunt?
  • 16
    I like to write my code like me, dead inside
  • 6
    intellij: "your life sucks"
  • 12
    Dead code are statements that won't be reached in any execution of the program such as the body of an if (false) statement or code after the return statement. And I find IntelliJ showing this quite useful (e.g. when you have a bug in your if-condition) and the message is as clear as it has to be.
  • 2
    IntelliJ: your listeners are dead, so is your code.
  • 1
    IntelliJ AI 😉
  • 8
    Now you know why @3picName never gets invited to parties
  • 0
    @mahaDev I've see an couple that were so long the popup spanned two monitors. Maybe that's why opening one file uses more memory than GChrome with a memory leak.
  • 1
    IntelliJ: "This code is why your wife left you."
  • 0
    Intellij: 'i killed you listeners so that you can refactor your code...'
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