
Trashy Girl that literally did not talk to me in over five years and even back then only talked to me if she needed something texts me today:

Girl: Hi :) How are you?

Me: *oh fuck no* Hi! Good, how about you?

Girl: Great! You know how to program apps right?

Me: *Fuck you* Yeah, whatcha planning?

Girl: Sooo my boyfriends brother has an idea for an app, it’s basically like instagram and snapchat but it’s actually *insert location based snapchat ripoff idea*

Me: Well sure but that’s quite a long term project and App Development kinda isn’t cheap to outsource!

No answer.

I’m like what did you expect?

Same shit everyday. Sometimes I consider starting a new life in a country where noone knows I can code, work remote and answer with “pleas” when people ask me what I do.

  • 62
    No matter where you go you'll always find this type of people...
    This is perfect example...
  • 9
    @const Right? Feels like being Neo, dodging all the “can you code this”-bullets
  • 5
    Next time put the *** the other way around!

    Fuck no. Fuck you. And last but not least a kind fuck off.
  • 12
    Boyfriend's brother....wow she is very amazing
  • 5
    I kindly suggest they should consult a lawyer first to prepare some NDA before explaining their bright idea to me, as I could rip it off and take all the money for myself..
  • 1
    I'd do it for a Cron job
  • 1
    @theKarlisK I figured she doesn't want to know the hourly :')
  • 2
    @cheke Honestly that's the reason why I even asked what she was up to haha but she just came up with a location based snapchat (you can only open the snaps if you're at the location) so I'm not really interested. You go tho!
  • 1
    @shaji I'd LOVE to hear what a CronJob looks like in your head
  • 1
    @theKarlisK well, they might assume that an app takes an afternoon to develop.
  • 1
    @Olverine they don’t think it be like it is, but it do
  • 1
    For people like that I just shoot down their idea, breaking their dreams little by little is quite the hobby to have !
    If they are the stubborn sort just tell them you need a detailed description and design on paper, they never complete it.
  • 0
    @devpit a cron job where the scheduler takes it's sweet time for execution
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