
I don't think I've EVER wanted to hit the insert key.

"You know what would be great?"
"If typing erased what you've already done so you can't actually edit anything"
"Sounds pretty great"

  • 2
    Android studio: good luck writing all those getters and setters yourself 😂
  • 1
    @htlr Or just use Kotlin...
  • 2
    It’s vestigial. Are there even any modern uses for it??
  • 2
    @htlr just make all the properties public! Fuck object cohesion!
  • 0
    Linux Terminal: Good luck with that mouse whose middle click is broken.
  • 1
    Lol i remember in 3rd grade, we had to do editorial vork. And i couldnt figure out why this happened, but i managed to found a regularity: this annoyinc bug stopped after 30 minutes (because i accidentally hit insert again). So i always starting ty'ing SUUPER carefully until the cursor wasnt a black lock anymore.

    Those were times xD
  • 0
    @devios1 Shift + Insert = paste in git bash and I think you can also use it in the Linux terminal
  • 0
    If you do something like diagrams in ascii it actually is very helpful in connection with an editor which allows block-edit and doesn’t care about line breaks. It’s just faster than designing such a thing with the proper tool, easily editable and can be put in git (in .md files for example).
  • 1
    If you do something like diagrams in ascii it actually is very helpful in connection with an editor which allows block-edit and doesn’t care about line breaks. It’s just faster than designing such a thing with the proper tool, easily editable and can be put in git (in .md files for example).
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