If you CC: me on an email I won't read it because I'm clearly not the intended recipient and I'm not going to do your work for you in trying to work out why I should give a fuck.

If you wish me to actually *give* said fuck then send me my own fucking email explaining why I should give a rat's anus about your shitty little problems.

And, if you try to use "but I copied you on the email" as an excuse for your incompetence in a meeting, I will eviscerate you on the spot. You will be looking at your small intestine while I ask your assembled co-workers if they have any other business.

CC: basically means you have no respect for my time. So, if you do it, I'm coming for you...and your family...and your friends...and all the people you know on Linked-In...

  • 5
    Lots of people don't know how to use email

    Btw, cc means basicalky fyi, you don't have to do anything but you must know what is going on.

    Bcc means the same thing but you will not be included further in the thread.
  • 1
    Well I assume you're working out of the goodness of your heart and not because you're being paid to provide a service/value for a company, so I applaud you for your entirely rational stance on the matter.
  • 5
    If I CC you, then I don't expect you to do work, nor to read into the details, nor to comment, but to register that this information exists and that you can look it up if the need arises lateron.
  • 3
    Yup, CC on an email = no action required on your part, it's just an FYI. There's a reason that email allows you to forward messages and/or put multiple addresses in the "to" field.
  • 5
    @mundo03 I’ve also used BCC in a “Nobody else needs to know, but you should be aware of this” manner on a few occasions.

    Then you get into mass mailings with no To, and hundreds of BCCs. Which, I guess, is marginally better than an e-mail that sticks that many strangers in any other field...
  • 5
    Whenever I CC'ed other dudes at my last job, it's to ensure I leave a paper trail in that clusterfuck of a company each time some bullshit goes wrong and some dumbass pins the blames on me.
  • 2
    Yeah when I'm cc'd on an email I just mark it as read and mentally note that there's a paper trail for me to go back to if I'm asked about it later.

    When I CC someone on an email it's usually my direct supervisor so that when I leave he can find the records later.
  • 2
    You sound like a great guy to work with...
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