*Game Developer*: Works 16 hour days to tight deadlines, in a team restrained by budget cuts. Goes to bed every night exhausted. Games Producer releases game with known issues because deadlines.

*Gamer* (slovenly and lives with his mum, works at McDonalds): Finds minor bug which is fixed within a few days. Rants about 'Those useless fucking games devs' for days. Acts like his life is ruined. Wants a refund on a game he has played 18 hours a day for 2 years. Has 'The Best Ideas' on how to fix the game and make it perfect.

  • 15
    *whispers* no man's sky
  • 15
    @yatanvesh they might have worked hard, but they also lied about a lot of things
  • 13
    You are absolutely right. It's a shame that devs are the ones blamed. Most of the time, it's the direction's fault, to set unrealistic spectations.
  • 1
    @2lazy2debug I know the pain 😟😟😟
  • 6
    @Null0x90 It really isn't worthwhile.
    Fun, exhilarating, and really kind of awesome. But. So. Exhausting.

    And you never really recover once you crash and burn out.
  • 2
    @yatanvesh na wasn't about the bugs, they just didn't deliver shit
  • 2
    *whispers* no man's buy
  • 0
  • 1
    Hah cannot wait to deal with that when my game is out, seriously i'd rather stay in the development stage no stupidly bad reviews and refund demands lol
  • 1
    While I do agree with the rant in terms of the general opinion, I also think that it's due to lack of information.
    If people that just played games (i.e. know nothing of development or the workings of the game industry) were to understand the situations Devs are put into, they'd be more understanding.
    I'm sure there are plenty of *Gamers* that are clued into news around the game industry, and while that doesn't absolve the gaming community as a whole of this misplaced blaming or even scratch the surface for being able to say they "understand" what game Devs go through.
    I'd like to hope that in an ideal world, Devs can still enjoy their work and know that there are people out there that play their games and appreciate the hard work that goes into making them.
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