Anyone ever been stuck without an IDE?
Anyone ever had to use notepad instead?

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    When i was doing my certificate 3 in IT we had to design all of our projects in notepad, that piece of shit gives me PTSD
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    @lxmcf Writing code by hand is even worse IMO. No intellisense. D:
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    Using python and writing in notepad! This will make you take anger management classes.
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    I opened notepad.
    A blank white screen faced me.
    I typed and all black letters appeared.
    I closed notepad.
    I puked.
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    @AlpineLinnix How come? What kind of programming do you do that you have patience for not using an IDE?
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    $ vim -p file0 file1 file2
    Particularly useful on servers where indeed you don't have a fancy IDE.
    Or on rooted mobile phones where you log in over ADB or WRT routers which run Busybox.. there is not even vim in there. So there I often resort to vi, which has pretty much the same interface.
    Sometimes you have to be able to step away from an IDE and.. well not use Notepad, that much is for sure. But being able to use a text editor to edit text files shouldn't be too hard.
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    @starrynights89 In university we used to write C in paper. It was hell.
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    @hndk On paper? That’s god awful
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    @Loading Yeah. I'm not kidding. It was the informatics class of electronic engineering. The professors were awful. I'm getting flashbacks. I need to rant about this.
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    @hndk Just let it all pour out... those monster professors can’t hurt you anymore
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    Back in my university days, which is around 2003, I had done my programming class assignments in Notepad. And that was for ALL classes and ALL languages I learned at the time. So that includes C, C++, Java, HTML, CSS, and Perl.

    Debugging was a damn nightmare, but over time I would say I developed eagle eyes when it comes to spotting mistakes.
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    @Condor but what if it's a language your still learning...

    And in order to test your changes you need to push to github and wait 5 min for ci results
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    @chabad360 especially then I wouldn't ever rely on code completion. Deep understanding comes from knowing the full syntax & parameters and their meaning in the language. Code completion can speed up development, but it should always be a convenience, not a necessity.
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    I can manage without an IDE for the more chill stuff but by that, I mean with a decent text editor, like Notepad++ or Sublime, Notepad I just can't handle. I can't live without my color coding
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    As I do the vast majority of my development over SSH, vi/vim has almost always been my tool of choice for editing code. I have no complaints.
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    @AlpineLinnix For what I use those languages for, I need a lot more than a text editor
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    @AlpineLinnix Maily game development and embedded systems work
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