
Sometimes, at least once or twice during the month my body just fucking breaks. Right now for example I can't sleep and I am beyond fucking tired. This is going to hurt bad once I eventually pass out but feel the weird pain that I get from going sleepless for 2 fucking nights.

I work out like a motherfucker in order to get tired. Every fucking day I land on the gym(monday to Thursdays and Friday I take it easy with saturday and sunday rest) i run 3 to 4 miles just to get tired enough.

But not this week. Have not been able to sleep since friday for more than 4 hours.

Why am I this fucking way? I am far too young to be fucking around this way. My caffeine intake is close to null.

Fuck me I just want to sleep.

  • 2
    You're from the US, right? Have you tried out melatonin? You can get it over the counter over there.
  • 1
    @Navigatr didn't know about that, or what melatonin is for that matter. Will check it out, thanks man.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 No problems. :) Generally, as I understand it, it's as harmless as it can get because of it being a natural hormone in the brain. I wish you could get it over the counter in Sweden too, but all hormones are strictly regulated here. :(
  • 1
    I'm the same way.

    Its probably the laser people.
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