yeahhh that's right motherfcukerrs, we live in 2018 where gender is no longer a radio button option

  • 7
    K, im going to change it to "born sex" and keep it as a radio, discuss.
  • 2
    Lol what’s even the point of asking?
  • 1
    I'm tired of new way of decision making, based on feelings :D just like oh is it mr or ms. oh okay so I prefer not to say. okay nevermind, this needs greater power
  • 3
    I prefer putting "velociraptor" if given a text field like that.
  • 4
    Do you like to be addressed as "he" or as "she" in our correspondence? And put the radio button back for fucks sake!! 😤
  • 5
    I'm waiting for the day where gender selection starts working like a color picker
  • 0
    @D--M Not to be too obnoxious but can you list out what options are in the radiobutton list? If you only list male and female you might be at risk for an ADA claim.
  • 2
    @HollowKitty From https://civilrights.findlaw.com/dis...

    "Discrimination based on gender (or sex) is a common civil rights violation that takes many forms, including sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, and unequal pay for women who do the same jobs as men."

    Note that nowhere does it mention anything regarding asking your gender/sex, for (most often) the sole purpose of whether they should address you as a man or a woman.

    As for transgender status, as far as I know (and I get that some may disagree) that's a switch from one - binary - sex to the other, right? Whether that involves surgery or is done by taking hormones or even just wanting to be addressed as the sex opposite to your body's, doesn't matter. But as far as I can tell that can be done without a color picker or a text field which are a nightmare to deal with on the backend.
  • 0


    I couldn't care less.

    The people who do care surely have way to much time on their hands.

    Note: I'm going to begrudgingly add other. Because it turns all my beautiful turnary operators to not turnary operators.
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