
Friday morning, taking a sip of coffee reading mails. (nb: I started the job on Monday, and this is my very first job excepted internship)
*wild manager appears* : come with with me a second.
Me: wtf is that
Him: close the door
Me: shit what did I do
Him: so we're closing this really big deal with a big client/investor
Me: ok cool, what is the point to tell me that ?
Him: remember when we discussed your salary and we couldn't afford to hire you as high as you wanted ?
Me:... Yes ?
Him: well now we can
Me, starting to understand: ... And ?
Him: well your new salary is higher than what you asked in interview

And that's how I got a 8% raise after 4 days at my first job :')

  • 13
    Congrats dude
  • 7
    Congratulations! Incredibly kind of him/her to do that.
  • 2
    @TylerDurden he said it wasn't
  • 15
    You appear to be working for a manager who is both honest and decent. Enjoy it while you can; it's unlikely that you'll meet another one between now and retirement.
  • 2
    Thx all.
    Actually he really is a good manager and person, always positive ! He was one of the reasons I wanted to have the job after my internship
  • 1
    Congrats man!😊😎
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