Non Technical Friend - Bro Apple is the shit!! I'm getting a Macbook.
Me - How's it better than other laptops for you?
Friends - It looks the best .. It's Apple bro!
.. Ok. Enjoy 😐

  • 4
    I actually really enjoy apple products but I know plenty of people that do the exact same thing
  • 3
    Nothing against Apple. Just the headless following. @mustang0168
  • 0
    A developer without a macbook is not really a developer.
  • 1
    @maiis hope that was tongue in cheek...
  • 0
    Hmm.. Okay. If you say so. 😁 @maiis
  • 1
    Mh. I value macs for their reliability. I have been working on Windows and apple machines and I've got to admit that my workflow is way faster on a Mac. So.. Actually.. Team Apple!
  • 1
    Haha I'm totally for people using whatever they want no hate to any OS. I just don't like people who love apple/Windows for no particular reason and act like they would die for it
  • 0
    Haha I'm totally for people using whatever they want no hate to any OS. I just don't like people who love apple/Windows for no particular reason and act like they would die for it
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