
Dear Micro$oft... Stop with your fucking ads in your paid operating system.

I want to check the weather, not get asked to download a news app, if free operating systems can not include ads why must windows...

Also cleared a notification recommended i buy onedrive because i installed dropbox -.-

  • 0
    What makes you think that free OS's can't include ads?
  • 0
    One of my issues with groove for example was that they have to advertise Spotify. Wtf Microsoft I'm using it as an offline music player, quit advertising a service I will never use. I have no association with the creator but I switched to dopamine for Windows music if anyone is looking for an alternative that looks fairly up to date.
  • 1
    Ever seen the default "candypacked" home menu of w10? Even with W10 Pro that costs a whopping 260€ they dare to bloat that menu with everything they can find.
  • 0
    @beggarboy oh yes I've seen it, have 4 copies of pro and everytime I reinstall I have to debloat
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