Which software do you use for app development??

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    I use xterm on Linux and iterm on Mac to ssh to the server where the app will run, though usually the dev server. I keep a tmux session open, edit files with vim, commit and push the updates to a dev branch using git commands.
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    @bahua That's what I needed to know. Thank you. I recently shifted from Windows to Linux and was using Android studio as a beginner. Not so great experience with Android studio but I'll try what you told. Thanks again
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    i use URxvt and vim, i use i3wm so i don't use tmux that often. i use git for source control.
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    I really only use tmux on remote hosts, to maintain a session there.
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    @bahua yeah, sometimes me too since my remote server is 10 meters away 😂
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    I've just recently made the transition from android studio to vscode for flutter development and I use Hyper instead of the macos terminal.
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    @sergiolarosa89 @NullBitMe @knurek123 thank you for sharing the information.
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    Microsoft Word 1998
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