I have got head ache to parse a text file with out delimiter ...........

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    Then how is it formatted?
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    I even not getting the solution
    I have a table format in the text file but no two columns didn't have a specific separator even space or tab each column is different and each row is different in columns even data may be empty
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    @NaveenValluru are you showing all characters? So spaces are a dot, tabs are arrows, null characters also show null etc.
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    @Codex404 no I am showing only one character dot ie space no other character some are divided by one dot and other by two or three
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    @NaveenValluru are those with two space a column missing a column?

    And enable showing hidden characters, that really helps a lot.
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    @Codex404 Thanks a lot for trying to solve my problem but here not the case some columns are separated by two spaces some are one and some are three and more
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    Without examples it's hard to help you, but it's the typical problem where regular expressions are the solution (and not a new problem 😄)
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    @nbamaral yeah it's true with out example it's difficult but the file is a bank statement given by my boss .
    Thanks for idea of (reg exp)
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    @nbamaral its the typical problem you dont use regex.
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    @Codex404 I will share you the example here
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    @nbamaral big inconsistent things parsing will make your regex almost custom made to fit a certain line, when a new file comes in the regex will have to be written again.
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    Or you could add another one? Why use just one big complicated one when you can compile little blocks and then use those to compose more regexes.
    At least that's how I would do this kind of parsing
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    @nbamaral then it would be easier to replace the invonsistent seperators and make it a csv, open with excel and manually fix the few columns that are fucked.
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