
I hope and pray that one day I'll be able to solve problems and program things I wanna program without someones help or me looking up a better solution

  • 1
    Certainly you will reach the point where you *could*, but I’m with @oudalally, it always makes sense to see if someone else has already solved something before attempting to yourself.
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    @devios1 I really just want to know how to write original code it doesnt have to be every time but I just want to be able to figure out the solution instead of feeling horrible at programming and feeling stupid all the time
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    @Bubbles Don’t worry you’ll get there soon enough. Before you know it you’ll be finding all sorts of things to complain about in other people’s solutions! 😉
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    @devios1 is programming just one big source of plagiarism xD
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    @Bubbles we like to call it “borrowing” 😂
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