
So first of all I want to say I am not a Fanboy of any specific language.

But holy fucking shit is ASP.net Core shitty, not only is it practically impossible to fucking start using it considering all documentation and tutorials are for the shitty outdated ASP.net but it's also fucking redundant with the amount of bullshit you need to do to achieve a task that should be a few lines of code.

Never in my life have I hated anything as hard as I hate that complete shit. On top of all that bullshit you have Fanboys always yelling "Oh but big corporations use it" like what big corporations? Microsoft and Microshit?

Like seriously larger corporations use fucking Node.js and even just C++ more than the shitty ASP.net and ASP.net Core. Don't get me wrong .net in general is pretty good but ASP.net is just a complete fuck up and should not exist.

  • 0
    It was issues like this that caused me to go to Java Spring Hibernate instead of ASP.NET. It's used more then ASP.NET and the syntax of Java is closer to Javascript, so it makes my workflow easier to understand when I use Node.js.

    There's also Python and PHP but I haven't tried those languages as a backed.
  • 1
    Different perspective here. I love core. To each their own. /shrug
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    @starrynights89 PHP seems to be good for simple tasks. However when it comes to more complex things like SQL management and reading files off the disk it becomes an issue. Hence why I just like to take the extra steps to get a Node.js site up and not deal with other BS
  • 1
    Works on my machine.
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