
New job (first CS job).

Day 1: Install Ubuntu
Day 2: Dev said "it was so cute when he asked if he could uninstall windows." Also, first pair programming with engineer of 12 years. First commit (he did all the work, I just tried keeping up."
Day 3: "Here, try this bug " nearly get there. Have to leave early. Team event (Group VR experience, was wicked fun with drinks afterwards. Turns out boss man is a total bad ass. Swam with sharks and giant Wales)
Day 4: Fix bug. Notice odd behaviour. Fix that too. (All on my own). Code review: "This, that but works and is good." Get asked if I want to go to customer to do A, B and C. Tell Boss I only know B. He said "Tell me what you need for A and C."

I'm so God damn happy.

  • 4
    Well good for you 😊
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    Congrats Dude!
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    @CuberDude company in Switzerland.
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    How's it going now?
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    @csizemore still pretty good. Team is organized, intelligent and experienced. I'm working on my first client project and had my first "deployment oh production without someone to catch me" moment yesterday and (thankfully) it all went well!

    I'm going DevOps now (not my first choice but can't exactly be picky about projects as the new kid on the block) but my team lead promised to assign me to a developer project next.

    I'm still incredibly happy there! Are you in CH and looking to change?
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    @polaroidkidd Only if they'll offer to move me out there or some other worthwhile incentive! I was just happy to read a positive rant and wanted to see how things were going for you. :)
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    @csizemore that's very nice of you! Thank you!

    Yes, in doing well. I like my peers. Work is work but it sure as hell defeats writing newsletters ^^
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