
The future will look back on this period in time with astonishment. The fact that people could still browse the internet without using an app or a mobile phone will seem like a bedtime story.
It’s not even fucking close to ok that this very paragraph is inside of a H1-tag with a font-size of 26px! The UI is so big and dumbed down that I feel like I’m trying to navigate a fucking Pixie book with buttons the size of duplo-blocks. And this shit is happening to more and more sites!
It’s like the CSS-stylists assumes that everyone goes around with a pair of binoculars duct taped the wrong way to their forehead. No no, that was not a typo. Writing CSS is not development dude, it’s more like filling out a coloring book. And still most of the “paint” seems to go outside of the shapes somehow. Even I, a backend developer, know about media queries and that you shouldn’t specify font-size in pixels. How come that these guys do not? It’s like a taxi driver not knowing how to switch lane for fucks sake.
I know I can just adjust the page scale with a simple ctrl scrolling maneuver and believe me I do! I just don’t think it’s right that people, by the millions, should be afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome just because of their ignorance.

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