I can usually understand why something works in some way but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS??!!!

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    came across this while I was trying to find out why neither .forEach nor for were executing... output in that screenshot of console was literally achieved by: console.log(pulled); console.log(pulled.length);
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    @jespersh you actually might be right, I am storing firebase documents that I am fetching by their document id that I get from ElasticSearch... might have to rethink my approach

    edit: I am storing document snapshots to be exact

    edit 2: It would actually be easier just to reassign the array than to splice the results in but Vue.js requires that I do it with splice for the changes to be reactive
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    oh finally... I worked around the issue because I found out that Vue.js is actually that nice that if you replace an array in a specific way it will stay reactive
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    But the issue is still there and it is driving me crazy...
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