
Ubuntu kernel+Nvidia drivers.

It's a hate story I tell you!!

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    I switched to AMD/ATi video years ago. I made the mistake of using the closed source AMD drivers first. I switched to the open source drivers to fix some game problems and woah...night and day.

    amdgpu (open source Linux drivers) are absolutely amazing! The nvidia OSS (and proprietary) drivers .. not so much.
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    Dude I've installed every Nvidia driver I can think about I'm about to go back to 340 as we speak!!! My login is freezing wtf! Look ... Look ...
    That's all I get =_=
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    @oudalally I think I might actually give that a try... I have never used debian any advice?
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    @oudalally will give it a try on one of my externals first and see how things go from there. Thanks
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    @djsumdog depends on your needs amd works just a graphics card
    Nvidia can give a big boost some to some softwares (ex: ffmpeg nevc)
    Cuda is much more supported than opencl
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    I dont know why you guys have those problems, I recently switched my nvidia miners to linux and its rock solid with over 2 weeks uptime on nvidia396 and overclocking, but those are 1080s, 1070s and 1060s
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