

help me here:

1) Debian 1
2) Reinstall Ubuntu 1
3) Fedora
4) Open Suse


  • 5
    Ubuntu indeed
  • 2
    @zeknoss I'm on 18.04 as we speak and i have been facing these crashes with nvidia I cant seem to get around it without going back to intel drivers instead of nvidia card. I tried all i saw yesterday night and no hope. I'm about to cry im tired of reinstalling and facing issues everytime you update/upgrade your system.
  • 3
    Just use the one where you have the most experience/knowledge in and stick with it for a few years
  • 3
    incognito I've been on ubuntu for years... i'm just tired of facing these issues suddenly I lost 7 hours trying to fix this thing thats time I could have used finalizing my projects.
  • 1
    @m0nk well Ubuntu does have (unless it changed since I last long at it) the largest community, so when you're stuck on something like this, the bigger community may be able to help you?
  • 1
    @m0nk did you try to turn it off and on again? (Wink wink)

    Jokes aside, did it run without the drivers with any problems?
  • 2
    @zeknoss hahahah

    works perfect on prime select Intel but when I go back to Nvidia it's stuck on login.
  • 2
    Gotta say Fedora. Although Debian is the only distro that properly suspend my laptop when I close the lid.
  • 0
    @m0nk alright, but does it work on Nvidia before installing drivers? If so, we can try installing an older version of drivers. Best approach is narrow the possibilities imho.
  • 2
    @zeknoss oh it worked on the 390 perfect but after I made an upgrade to the system is when it started f-ing up ...
  • 0
    @m0nk what sort of upgrade?
  • 2
  • 2
    The fact that windows95 isn't on the list is making me uncomfortable
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