
rookie dev : "to my senior, im gonna ask you the basic questions instead of googling it. Im gonna disturb you every now and then.... just kidding"

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    I'm so relieved
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    You mothafucka giggle every time I do google.
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    @poetrique yeah, had multiple weird issues with the PHP SOAP client in the past and Google had zero thoughts on either of them.
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    I DDG stuff, not Google... DDG seems to have better results about programming related queries and Google already tracks me enough on my phone, YouTube, Docs, Keep, Gmail and Drive...
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    C'mon, who the hell can remember how to use tar ....
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    @poetrique I once ditched a project because I was getting an error and even SO didn't help ...
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    @dev-n-u-l-l eXtract Ze Files
    Compress Ze Files :)
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    @D3add3d lol, I'll remember that one. Nice one
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    There are two reasons searching fails me:

    1. There is some popular thing with the same name drowning it out. You know, trying to find periscope tutorials, not the video streaming platform but the sql platform. Go suffers a bit from this too, solved partially by people using "golang".

    2. I know WHAT I need, but not how to describe it, either choosing the wrong words or the vocabulary is simply temporarily escaping me. The search engine doesn't understand all the weird metaphors I'm trying to type. For example, I know I recently found some article about boolean tricks in Haskell, but can't find it — until I finally manage to peel the word "predicate logic" from the tip of my tongue.

    The latter is the most frustrating and scary reason, because it makes me realize how awful Alzheimer's must be.
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