Me and new guy are working on something. We're both in different countries.

New guy just graduated a couple of months ago. Thinks he's better than us, egoistic, refuses to accept his mistake. Cannot work well in a team and arrogant. Basically a package.

I fucking spent 3 hrs trying to look for a bug in my code, which doesn't exist in the first place. Because he's a lazy fuck and refuses to even accept that he might've made a bug (evident from the fact that his first reaction was to blame me and second reaction was to verify his code)

And he doesn't have the decency to admit that he made a mistake.

What's even more sad is that I've to babysit him cuz he's incompetent.

It's fucking obnoxious.

  • 1
    I had one like that on my team once. They'll drive you crazy unless you learn to let it go (fair warning, it's hard to do when you care about the product your making).

    But fear not! They'll usually quit before you do as they feel superior and will get tired of "working with incompetents". Then you'll be stuck with his spaghetti code, but that's for later ;)
  • 1
    dont worry, having a degree means you are very smart and successful

    ... ;)
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