
"Hmm, I wonder if Cloudflare has a limit to the amount of data I can store in the CDN"

*Uploads a shitton of crap to a Nextcloud server and caches everything via cloudflare*

So far - 300GB stored.

  • 4
    Watched the video... I still don't like him 😂
    This one was okay but, as you wrote, isn't a real loophole... their account is for 5 users... every user may upload until this limit.. well... yeah... and now? It's a logical solution (ofc the limit could be made just for this account... but it's another logical way).
  • 2
    @xzvf Haha, I was going to say that!
  • 2
    There's no reason for Google to account for that as long as it's not abused by tons of users.
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