
So ..i just got a raise. A substantial one(about 30k more) but......

The cms coordinator is now going to make way more than i do....but not only that he is making way more than my lead developer and my lead developer's salary is now the same as mine.

The man has 12 years of service to this institution. He IS the web software department and if any day him and I decide to cross our arms and not do shit the whole school collapses...both fucking campuses.

Continuing...the cms coordinator doesn't even have the same education that we do. The lead developer has 4 associates degrees and I have a B.S in c.s, the CMS dude has 1 in computer tech or some shit like that.
And he is making about 9k more than us.

I...know it sounds small, and it is, but the principle itself is fucking painful considering that they mentioned job responsibilities was a major contributing factor in said paycheck and we have fucking murdered ourselves working extra every fucking day. Going above and beyond this shit just to have a dude that adds images to a cms make more than we do.

Fucking bullshit.

  • 4
    $9k? That's my entire years rent, with amenities! Definitely not that small.

    Sounds like the schools could be really fucked one day in the future. You won't stick around forever and he definitely won't either.
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    @Stuxnet i am scared of loosing his ass man I love working with this dude.

    They fucked him over bad and he has done so much for these assholes it ain't even funny.

    Me? Yessir I am leaving at the first chance I get!!
  • 3
    @AleCx04 If I was him, I'd start testing the waters and see just how bad they want him. But then again I've never held a real job before in my life, so it's easier said than done.
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    @Stuxnet someone else did it before. Our db admin. They begged him to stay. The shitty part is: with me here they would let my lead go.

    I have more experience than him in development as a whole even though he has more experience in years at this institution. They would let him go and keep me and then anally fuck me every day doing his part of work.
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    @AleCx04 Ahh damn that's a pretty fucked situation.

    It'd be cool if you could both leave and get a job at the same place. They'd get fucked and you'd still get to be coworkers
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    @jschmold nah man I am just gonna leave this place once i get my first chance.

    Ain't betting on time. I don't have the 12 years to wait as my lead did just to be fucked like he did
  • 2
    I totally get you. Sometimes it's juste the way people barter for they raise and how good bullshitter they are...
    Gray's for you raise tho! 🎉
  • 2
    Negotiating salary is about 20% your actual worth and 80% how much your perceived value is to the business... The issue is that 80% tends to be circumstantial based on opinions formed by higher ups... How you are spoken about in the company and a fair chunk of how much you sell your skills.....

    I have a rule I follow around my salary ( always a multiplier of my age which I increase the multiplier each major birthday) and I know my worth : therefore I've been very fortunate and best equip to make great negotiations

    I've seen awesome people paid terribly and terrible people paid way over the odds... And everytime is due to people's perception of the individual or the role they do being critical or not... 100%

    Just know your value and work on ensuring you have the skills to ensure those around you know your value too and it will go in your favour everytime....

    Oh and Hay... Nothing wrong going for the 'easier' job if the company think its more valuable is salary is the main aim?! I just make sure what I do 40 hrs a week is also a main hobby too 👌
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    That's it. Don't ask don't get.
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    @davehuk indeed, we already took it to the head of our department
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    Update: we are taking it to the head of our department. He is wtfing real hard at the decisions made by the board. We should have an answer by the end of the week.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Good luck my dude
  • 1
    All I can say is

  • 0
    @AleCx04 if that doesn't work out, you could still move camp together.
    Often during promising interviews at some point I got asked if I knew others that might also be interested in working there. 😉
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