
Trying to understand how i hate work but still in love with computer science

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    that means u should be coding something for yourself and not for a job
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    @SukMikeHok i wanna be coding games, i got a taste of OpenGL and i loved it and i wanna do that full time😭. No game dev companies in my country so I’m a web developer :/
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    @AymanH Try to do both. When you get enough experience, you can relocate to a different city to be a game dev, or establish your own company.

    There is no room for complaints when pursuing your life. Go big or go home.
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    @crapped nah i got the best boss ever he’s like a big brother to me. I dont hate going to work i just wish i was doing something more interesting
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    @illegaldisease i think starting a company is the best option to be honest. You may be right. I can learn as i go maybe work on small projects and publish something nice for free at first to get some publicity
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    @AymanH do it. I dare you.
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