
How do you switch from testing while debugging (functional) to TDD unit tests?

Usually I test while coding by just running the use case and making sure while coding, bad inputs are caught/handled.

But most times I start with a general idea of the structure and what the about should be (which essentially would be the functional test case?)

I don't think about how you can break each part or the functions I need until I need them. Then usually start simple and then refactor. And until I'm sure each time I refactor would require changing the tests?

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    Im not a TDD expert or anything but when I'm developing a web service I write a couple of tests containing success and error calls with the expected responses.

    Then i start developing, once I think I finished handling a certain call, I run the tests to verify I didnt break any another cases on the service and to verify if the current change was succesful.

    When not, I open my debug tools and fix the bug.

    When the test passes, I wire up the frontend and then test all cases on the service from within the client
  • 1
    Simple answer: just start writing unit tests.
    Don't write or change any line of code unless it makes a test go green. Think about what your code needs to do, write the test for that, write as little code as possible, repeat. Once you started it is not that hard.
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    @host127001 what about classes, interfaces, packages, all the top-down design stuff?

    I guess how do you structure and plan the app?
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    @billgates the toplevel stuff is mostly given by the architecture and some principles like SOLID.
    I mean if you have a webservice and use a simple 3 layer architecture, you know that there will be a class each for that services web-, logic- and dataaccess-tier.
    And everything else (like utils etc.) come together rather naturally, when each class/interface/function has exactly one responsobility
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