
Yes yes pls c++ is the best we shud have everything written in c++

  • 4
    "Pass by qxrmvalue semi-shared reference" lol!
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    I wish cppjunior become a thing.
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    Btw can u explain what does it mean though? @RememberMe
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    @yatanvesh certainly.

    It's a joke aimed at rvalue references and move semantics, things that were added in modern C++. It's a fairly involved topic, but -basically- they allow you to set up situations in which you avoid copying data while passing arguments to functions (and in other similar situations).

    Very useful, but it's fairly confusing at first. You end up writing tons of code that depends on move semantics and then you have to ensure that you're actually using it and not accidentally copying data, and you have to take care of a few corner cases, and then there are situations in which the compiler does it on its own or as part of some other optimization...so basically, it gets quite hairy. The joke is that they'll just keep adding more fucked up kinds of references and semantics and make it even harder to understand xD

    Have a look at this: https://cprogramming.com/c++11/...
  • 2
    well it may not exactly be simple, but that is not what it is made for. it is supposed to make it as easy as possible to write the most efficient code possible. And I think the hate on C++ for being "bloated" can only come from people who simply stopped catching on and dont know all the rules anymore.
    Bad luck, C++ is not a dead language.
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    Thanks! That clears sm stuff @RememberMe
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    @simulate agreed.
    You're preaching to the wrong man, lol. Half my time on devRant goes into spreading the gospel of Haskell and C++.
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    Haha, yeah alright, it wasnt specifically directed at you though... more at the general audience of this post
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    @simulate ah, if only English was as unambiguous as programming languages!

    That'd be pretty boring though 🤔
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    @RememberMe haha and would take a while to even say a word 😂😁 but smileys help tilting the meaning in a specific direction when chatting. or tone of voice and body language do that IRL

    but dude, languages are such a facinating topic, I had also though someone should invent a new language somehow, like a designer speak. But actually language is probably so complicated and suttle, it actually requires thousands of organic computers aka brains to evolve into something usable. I dont think we are there yet...
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