
Brain; "Ok you should get back into programming to take your mind of things at the moment, start work on that big project you wanted to start!"

Me: "Ok let's rebuild that asset I made last year that no body purchased or cared about!"

Brain: *Audible sigh*

  • 5
    I'm experiencing the same, only that I do nothing instead of doing something useless.
  • 3
    what was the asset?

    did you send traffic to said product? and gauged the response?

    or just finished the project then hoped for something to happen?

    It's actually nervewracking to start sending traffic, part of you wants to know, another part of you wants to just experience results, but it must be done to really know if something is going to sell or not.
  • 2
    @rant1ng An asset for gamemaker studio 2 that allows you to control instances with simple JSON, sounds trivial but when used is actually kinda fun and useful to use JSON as a scripting language sort of thing.

    And was uploaded to itch and the GM marketplace, if i do actually see the rebuild through im just going through itch and might do some tutorial videos on it.
  • 0

    I see, I didn't know it was a marketplace type product

    what does it cost? is it ad supported?
  • 1
    @rant1ng it's only $2 AUD and nah no ads
  • 0
    can I see the listing or do I have to have gamemaker studio

    just want to gauge a few things and see if I can't help you out : )

    I did do marketing for most of my career
  • 0
    @rant1ng https://lxmcf.itch.io/json-objects

    There is a demo but no guarantee they'll still work haha, haven't looked at this for ages
  • 0

    essential questions to help you decide if you should actually spend time on this:

    1) how many people do you think would find this useful (the finished version)

    2) how much time would it take to fix and finish this

    3) is there extended functionality you could add that wouldn't take a lot more time, but would greatly increase it's usefullness, and/or open up the potential market to more people?

    4) could the answer to 3 justify a price increase as well?

    If the answer to 1 is less than 10,000, and the time it takes to develop it is more than a month

    it's a definite time waster.

    Last question: Did these questions help you solidify how to assess the marketing potential of this idea?

    If so, could you see how these questions (and more like it, or other similar guidelines and parameter suggestions) would help you with other projects?
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