
I've been at my job for about 3 months now. They have me remaking a 10 year old site so that it's responsive and updated to HTML5. well the "senior developer" I'm working under doesn't know squat about responsive design and doesn't know that tags like font are deprecated so he's basically just copy pasting old code into bootstrap grid and calling that "updating the site". Lol did I mention he's still declaring the doctype as HTML 4 too? how did I get stuck here? -_-

  • 7
    i hope he doesn't use tables and then try to make it responsive
  • 1
    Forget refreshing a 10 year old site, sounds like time for a full rebuild, also time to setup some shenanigans to auto convert deprecated code into pure gold lol
  • 1
    maybe Backend software senior developer ?
  • 1
    @adamluzsi lol no. the back end code is even worse.
  • 3
    You need to just teach him and get him excited about modern things.
  • 1
    @sheriffderek I wish I could. they use adobe cold fusion lol they won't change to anything else because that's all they know how to use. can't even mention frameworks or other languages without them shutting me down right away. -_-
  • 0
    @surgiie well, that's a new language you'll need to learn. Practice makes perfect. : )
  • 1
    @sheriffderek lol I'm not having any issues with the language. Cold fusion is cake walk in my honest opinion. My problem is how outdated it is. Not so much the language itself but the cold fusion community is pretty much non existent. if you search cold fusion posts on stackoverflow. The post are dated at least 6 years back if not more.
  • 1
    Cold fusion. Wow, totally forgot that existed.
  • 1
    @shittywebdev lol I didn't even know it existed till I started there. xD
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