im new to programming and teaching myself the more i learn the discouraging it becomes. P.S do the guys at stack overflow hate noobs or 'rookie mistakes' because for a community that is supposed to be about answering questions they sure do seem to hate it when I ask them

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    You probably just have had bad luck :-( I hate when people do that, make newcomers feel unwanted... Everyone has been a newbie at some point...
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    Try to take small steps. The first step should be understanding how program flows and how logic plays in the flow. This should be language independent, as there are common structures in coding that you will find in every language.

    Then learn the language, more specifically the syntax of a given language, and stick to it until you are comfortable enough to write code with little help.

    It helps thinking about how certain tasks would be performed in your language of choice during your learning process. This should make you grasp the complexity of problems and get you ready for high level abstractions.

    Practice a lot, then read about patterns, abstractions, paradigms.. These things will help you step up in understanding technology as whole, and it will unravel new horizons and new possibilities as to what you can do with code.

    It is not an easy task and surely not a quick one, but it is definitely worth the time when you can code in the same way as you can talk.

    Good luck man!
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    oh don't worry. I'm still a newbie with a little experience.So when a even newer member came on our team in internship I was told to teach him basics. That's when I came to understand the rage of experts at stack overflow.
    Even I'm getting rants from other Devs right now when I complained like a noobie on reddit about using copyrighted Pokemon images. Well I made a mistake of not reading and researching out first.I won't do it again.maybe ๐Ÿ˜‹ .
    Anyways don't worry we noobies will one day be experts.
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    @alandemaria thank you so much do you have any learning resourses I may not have heard of?
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    Read all of SO's guides on asking good questions. Those good programmers on SO love detailed questions that include examples, expected behaviors, things you tried .etc.
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    i think people on SO hate to explain things multiple times. Or find it really annoying when a simple Google search returns an answer, that just means you don't even put in effort.
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