I *hate* it when a senior asks me to write a functional test report. Like I thought we hired functional testers to do that sort of stuff? I'm a programmer, I only write 3 things: code, documentation, and more code. Not freaking reports about how something did not work before, and after this 1-line fix does work. Oh and don't forget to include screenshots and a description of the issue. Arghhh

  • 0
    Do you have automated test suites? Are you practicing continuous integration? Much of what your senior eng is asking for can be automated.
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    @binhex Yeah, we have automated everything over the last year or so. And don't get me wrong, I don't dislike writing tests, just reports for functional tests. Which is unfortunately the one thing that can't be automated... :S
  • 1
    @LucaScorpion So if you have automated tests I'd look into getting a report generated off of your CI engine and having it sent to your senior eng. If the tests are properly named and written it should be self explanatory why they failed. e.g. xyz test failed to assert that my actual number of foo was bar.
  • 0
    @LucaScorpion You might also want to look at Hamcrest - it has cross language support for a variety of test matchers.
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