

Dev friends! I'm a teacher who is in the process of transitioning into the tech field. I've been working like crazy on and off in my spare time for the past couple years to build my skills and with it a resume. The other day I went to get someone with a developers perspective to proof read it and realised I didn't have anyone!

I hope I don't offend anyone by posting this here but I would appreciate that anyone who is willing and interested, if you would take a look at my resume repo I have and let me know what you think (on GitHub)! Please be critical, that's what makes things better! Side note. I'm constantly baffled by comradery in this community as a whole.


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    It looks alright... There bold lines seem to detract from the information. My eyes kept focusing on the lines rather than the content.

    - The header, looks great, love the icons.
    - Your summary/mission statement could use a little work as it's rather weak. What you are attempting to accomplish should be the only thing listed here.
    - technical overview could probably come right after the mission statement.
    - I've never seen a resume with a highlights section. Is this common in Nova Scotia?
    - Add some contact information in the header so they know how to reach you personally, with it wondering if it will get lost in email.

    Most managers make their decision in the first couple of lines of your resume whether to continue reading or put it in the garbage, a strong mission statement should grab the attention immediately. The length is perfect though.

    Also, many online applications go through a keyword filter, and if you don't hit a percentage of those keywords than it is never passed on.
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    Good start. Try to get it to 'pop' a little more. In the experience section add the value each project drives. Use metrics where possible.

    For example, ABC website reduced input errors by 23% and saved $32,000 annually. Metrics will catch their eye. It is all about what you can do for them.

    I would be happy to review future updates.
  • 0
    Brilliant. Thanks for all of the comments and suggestions!
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