
When I was 10 years old, all kids at my school got access to school emails. The email address book contained everything in my city, like fire department, all pupils of all schools etc. So I decided to "test" the system by sending out a mass email to everyone in the address book (about 3k) with the question "Hi, how are you?".

The sys admins apparently didn't think very far as I got some responses saying like "You have crashed a server in the capital city" and "I have contacted your local IT admin".

So I went to the IT admin and told him the situation. His face turned red of anger and I remember him almost screaming at me.

Who the fuck doesn't set up protection for this and gives out access to 10 year olds? This was 15 years ago, I really hope sys admins are smarter today!

  • 14
    Signs of a future dev 😀
  • 7
    what the heck kind of mail server can't handle 3k extra emails?!
  • 0
    @ThomasRedstone The old ones I guess .
  • 1
    I'm too perplexed by the fact that every mailbox getting 1 ( _one_ ) mail was a problem. I know it was a while ago, but even then I would get loads every day. They should be glad since they got an excellent case for asking their bosses for funding of a better server :)
  • 1
    @skonteam nah, even 20 or 30 years ago a mail server should have been able to handle everyone getting an email!
  • 0
    Reminds me of middle school. This one kid and me were always sending each other stupid emails. But one day he decided to up his game: I come in and find 800+ emails in my inbox.

    Teacher was pissed. Upon entering the computer class, he immediately kicked me out. And I was just the recipient!
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