Sadly this is true:

  • 4
    You need to get your shit together if this is realy how you process work bro.
  • 4
    @dcode yeah particularly the tables bit.
  • 1
    maybe this was in 2005
  • 1
    Where's the slice for time spent making pie charts?
  • 1
    Lol calm down and pull that ruler out of your ass. I will never use tables for layout that can be achieved with css. Only reason I like this picture is the internet explorer and bill gates part.
  • 3
    I'm glad the IE component of this chart is slowly dying off - I haven't had any major issues on IE10/11 or with Edge in the project I'm on now - 800+ lines of CSS and still a-okay!
  • 2
    @renegade lol the new versions of internet explorer are less of a headache.
  • 2
    @hogsgonewild so you're saying that this graphic is out of date and doesn't really apply but you like the dig at microsoft. this was a legitimate rant 10 years ago but now it feels a little karma whorey.
  • 2
    @renegade Let me know when you have 8000+ lines of well-written markup that will be generated to CSS.

    You'll encounter some problem by then :')

    IE11: "Say what, other browsers render this flexboxed thing just fine and wrapping works too? Well FUCK YOU because you didn't give me a dedicated width attribute."
  • 0
    @jamesjacko thankfully the use of tables instead of css for layout is pretty much gone. Only time I've seen it recently was in intern code.
  • 0
    Tables? Do you even flexbox bro?

    Or staying to old conventions with box-sizing:border-box you could do font-size: 0 on parent containers and do inline-block layouts to avoid float nightmares.
  • 0
    Nah, the modern version goes like:
    - 98%: choosing your Javascript framework
    - 2%: coding it
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