
There are not enough words in the English language to describe how much I fucking hate general education courses and math.

I don't even want a CS degree anymore just to escape the hell that is called required general education courses.

Like why do I need two fucking lab based science classes? Sure, if you were doing the Computer Science with a focus in Chemistry, that makes sense. But I wasn't doing that.

Why do I even need a lab science of CS to begin with, let alone two.

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    Don't have any degree for it myself, outside of my friggin' brain and the outcome of the tasks I do.. (;
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    @xewl At this point, programming isn't even that fun for me anymore.

    It's been roughly a month since i wrote any lines.

    I'm almost done with one of my classes until like October, I guess I'll try again.
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    Do physics as the science. It is actually somewhat helpful
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    @NillValue Fuck no.

    I'm not taking another fucking science class other than the easiest one to suffice the schoolwide general education classes.
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    @Stuxnet I’m guessing you like front end development?
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    If you hate math I doubt the thing you love is really programming.
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    @Furyzer00 But I do enjoy it, want little bit I do.

    It's just not meant to be my career choice.

    I also feel like just because I hate math doesn't mean I'm going to hate programming... Seems pretty bullshit to me. I've seen multiple rants from others who hate math or suck at math.

    But it's whatever, this bridge is on fire and fixing to be completely burned down and I won't be crossing it anymore lol
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    I went to uni because it was expected of me. Always been good with algebra. Terrible with numbers.

    I decide against software engineering because of the math, get to uni and find out the course I’m on (computer forensics) shares a mandatory math core with all the other CS courses.

    I switched, but really struggled, and was too proud / ashamed to get extra help.

    I dropped out for other reasons in the end, but it certainly didn’t help.

    Ended up not needing the damn degree in the end anyway.
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    @Brolls My situation is a little unique.

    I understand code (for my level) really well. I can read other's code even if it wasn't commented and tell you what's going on. But when it comes to writing it, I usually go brain dead.

    I don't foresee a computer programming job anywhere near my future. I am minoring in CS just for the hell of it, since I'm already 1/3 of the way there.
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    @Furyzer00 not true! I despise math (numerics anyway).

    Programming is wonderful for me, the logic, the problem solving etc. It’s so far removed from maths these days, that unless you *really* need it, or go digging for it, it’s not terribly necessary.
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    @Stuxnet I’ve been coding in one form or another since I was about 11/12, so it’s kinda second nature at this point.

    I can’t do certain things though! CSS makes me so upset and angry that I just rage quit.

    I found trying to build things really helped.

    When I first started I tried Java and failed miserably... I had to work my way up. Consequently I left the trash that is Java firmly in the trash and accepted C# as my lord and saviour.
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    @Brolls Yeah I learned HTML and CSS by doing it.

    It's just a matter of finding the motivation to learn. I've not felt like doing anything anymore, especially not since uni just kicked off.
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    @Stuxnet try something waaaay out of your comfort zone. I did with F# and it was one of the best things I did.

    It made me a better developer overall, and now I have a fun, niche new language.
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    That's too bad... A good maths teacher would fix your feelings towards the subject, guaranteed. I was like you before, and now I love maths (even study it for fun) because I was lucky to have a great math teacher in high school.

    Also, don't force yourself to program, if it's a hobby. If I'm not feeling it, I just go play games or do something else. The urge to code eventually comes back, be it days, weeks or months later.
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