
Had Weekend free for my own...No Kid No wife...just plenty time...what did?...I brew beer πŸΊπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Œ...of course I didnt used any ready-to-go mixtures...all done from the basics. Feels so good

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    Hmmm if you didnt use a quick starter kit did you grow your own products?
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    @Codex404 No...I ordered the malt, the Hops and the yeast and Water from the Tap...but then you have to Bring them together accordingly. With ready to go mixtures you Just need to put it in water and thats it...thats too easy and skips all the interesting steps between...where you actually can define your special flavour but where you also can do a Lot of Things wrong
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    @oxmox ah, the starterskits I know have the hop etc with it and then do whatever the fuck you want.
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    @Codex404 jup...but as far as I know there are allready meassured for you...means the receipt of what Kind of beer you are brewing is Kind of given
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    What kind of malt/hops/yeast and how much?
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    @oxmox might be, but we always add extra things either way.
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    for ~ 18 - 20 Liters


    - 1Kg medium peated malt (3.5 EBC)

    - 1Kg maris otter pale (ale blend) 4.5 - 5.5 EBC

    - 1Kg Oat Malt (4 EBC)



    - 55gr Bio Brewers Gold c.a. 6.1% Alpha

    aroma hops:

    - 40gr Citra, American 11.8% AA

    - 40gr Cascade, American 6.3% AA

    forgot to mention the yeast :-) : American Ale Yeast Blend WLP060
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    @Codex404 yeah sure...didn't wanted to diss the ready-to-go way, but for me I really like the fact that you have to think first about the kind of beer you are planning to brew and what kind of malt, hops and yeast might not only be a cool fit, but more important the right choise for what your are planning. For example, it makes no sense to use a 79 EBC malt when planning to create a normal Pils. Also you carefully have to calculate the amount of bitter-hops you want to use, which involves also a carefull selection of the right parameters.

    If you make a mistake here a lot of time could be wasted at the end
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    Wow, are you going for a low-gravity IPA? Sounds interesting.
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    @spongessuck good question...IPA for sure...
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    @oxmox 1040 original gravity...so I guess more direction normal bitter...so yes low gravity
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