
Sometimes I wonder if I really like working with the stuff I work with.

  • 5
    Sometimes we all wish doing something else. Like laying on the beach somewhere on a tiny island doing nothing, with unlimited supply of cold beer.
    Hopefully it will pass. ;)
  • 7
    I wonder about that every now and then as well. That's why I do less sysadmin now and more electronics. A change of pace, so to say. Servers are great and all, but once you get all the way into the depths of her, it gets a bit boring over time (because everything else is so advanced with little benefit that it's pretty much just a grind). Acquiring a new skill that's easier to get noticeable and relatively quick "level-ups" in is what I tend to do in those cases.
  • 3
    I agree, but sometimes I feel like completely changing path, or just move.
  • 2
    @Linux In that case I'd give it some rest first, see if you still have that same feeling after.. say, a week or so, and if so consider making a career shift. But be sure to make that decision only after some time. Self-study or reschooling yourself takes multiple years. I've started electronics along with my sysadmin stuff since about 1.5 years ago, and I still don't consider myself an expert in that field. So yeah.. it's a pretty significant decision to make. I'm considering to do sysadmin work professionally and do electronics as a hobby to get some variation, perhaps something like that wouldn't be a bad idea?
  • 2
    i feel the same about forms and cruds. This was the reason i started searching about clean code and design patterns allthough i was of the opinion that if it works it is ok.
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