
Running a huge migration on our production db.
Takes 45+15 minutes (migration+tests) on my lappy. So. I'm going to be bored and slightly worried for the next hour.

Hopefully the production servers will be faster.

  • 7
    Added some more last-minute progress output and used "puts" instead of "printf"

    So there's one line per record now. Yay!
    Only like half a million dots (lines) to go.
  • 9
    @RemyRm Thanks haha.

    Migration was successful!

    I suppose upping the Heroku dyno to the 'spensive one was a good idea 😊 ~35 minutes total instead of 60!
  • 7
    Zero issues. Yaay!

    (Apart from the "puts" scrollfest at least.)
  • 2
    Time for bed.
    Getting up in like two hours 😭
  • 3
    Boring deployment is good. Always :P
  • 0
    How was it?
  • 1
    Damn, at that point I'd just do a red black deployment if possible. Depends on what your prod does though I guess
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