You're all fucking idiots with no thoughts of your own. No one gave a shit when Drupal and Django made the master/slave change 4 years ago because the idea of the "regressive left" wasn't the cultural enemy of the zeitgeist.

Think for your fucking selves instead of being so brain-dead and reactionary to something that doesn't even affect you.

Fucking neo-reactionary bullshit, that's what it is. You people don't care, you just want an excuse to rant at "teh SJWs".


  • 6
    It likely went unnoticed, or most people didn't realize the dangers back then. I dont like that change as much as I dont like what happened with Python. While I respect their right to do so freely, I think it's stupid and futile to try to change our language and culture to accomodate everyone because we will never be able to accommodate every person's individual needs and sensitivities.

    I can get extremely uncomfortable, nervous, and irritated by the noise/crowd when a bunch of people are close to me (classrooms, parties, events, etc.). That doesnt mean everyone people has to stop being social when I enter the room, I just avoid them as much as I can. When I have to go to one, I suck it up, be a man, and tolerate it for a while, which helps me grow out of it.
  • 6
    The thing is, the master/slave duality has been a thing in IT for decades. It's a universal concept. Once you learn once what it means, it applies to pretty much all other systems.

    Why change it?

    What's the motivation to change it?

    I for once can't stand particular terminology, like "Minion", "leader", "follower", etc.
    We're not talking about people when we talk about "slave". Should we also rename commands like "kill" or "mount" because one is aggressive and the other is sexual? Maybe "bot" as well, because of its etymology that links it to slaves as well? What about "fork"? I am positive that there are more people who code, that have been injured by forks, than who have ever been slaves. Maybe we should also stop naming cable connectors as "male" and "female"?
    It does not refer to humans!

    This is inherently stupid, and doesn't justify deprecating tons of documentation, that refer to entities that no longer exist.

    People that push this renaming are stupid. End of story.
  • 4
    This trend of getting triggered over people supposedly getting triggered is quite stupid tbh
  • 0
    @inaba The triggering is in full steam ahead mode. Just look at the devRant page an search for master or slave :D
  • 0
    @inaba I wouldn't see it as triggering, if anything, most of the posts I see here are just mockery of their ideas. Sure, it is a bit frustrating that some people dont have the same opinions about this topic, but as long as there is no coercion using legal(government) or illegal force, I'm going to let people be people.
  • 1
    @tokumei I used triggered here in place of offended mostly out of mockery, since those people tend to use that same word mockingly. Just me venting. You see the same super offended people appear whenever they have a chance being offended about the "sjw's", "the left", "people these days" or other such things.

    Though if I had to stay on topic then the chance doesn't really bother me that much. Parent and Child processes aren't anything new
  • 2
    So, let's turn it around 180°. Why do you care so much about the word master and slave to get developers of popular frameworks to modify it, just to soothe your frail feelings? Why don't you go do something that's actually going to benefit equality, like supporting the women in India that are subjected to rape every day. To help the people in third-world countries to speak up for themselves when they get shat on by Western nations. To do something that actually benefits humanity, unlike this dribble over words that are apparently offensive even though they mean very different things in technology than they do in the social sense. Actually I can short this all down into a simple TL;DR: grow a fucking pair. Whether that's a pair of tits or a pair of balls, I don't care. Grow a fucking pair and suck it up buttercup, because you're getting offended over nothing. What's next?
  • 3
    Also, how is calling out your peers as "fucking idiots with no thoughts of their own" acceptable while "master and slave" in technology is not? Aha!
  • 2
    @Condor "TL;DR: grow a fucking pair. Whether that's a pair of tits or a pair of balls, I don't care. Grow a fucking pair and suck it up buttercup, because you're getting offended over nothing. What's next?"

    See, this also applies verbatim to what I was trying to say, the main python developer and creator accepted the change, so suck it up and stop getting offended about some minor changes in documentation. Instead people start multiple rants about how this is the end of the free speech ... or how the developer community will go down the shitter because it will be infested by "SJW"s.

    So tell me what the reason is to be concerned about this change?

    Is is really the slippery slope? If so where do you draw the line at which you would stop using python because your politcal view might not align with the python developers or the community?
  • 1
    @Condor For you it would be a good idea to grow up and stop trying to come with meaningless gotchas since it really doesn't seem like you have thought it over. It makes your post seem really ironic
  • 2
    @inaba @bootleg-dev I am sure that you've heard the arguments against this merge many times already, and I'm sure that they've been discarded by you just as my comment, because they don't align with your views.

    The abstraction from master/slave breaks all of the previous documentation where the existing terminology was used. The abstraction confuses developers, as now there's an unnecessary extra step to take into account, that master/slave is offensive, so another wording has to be used.. while in the backend it still is a master/slave. And all of that just for a minority that was offended by a piece of fucking code.

    Master and slave are technical terms in technology, just as much as connectors are called male when it's a plug and female when it's a receptacle. Just as much as a machine that's serving content is called a server and a machine that's requesting content is a client. They do not relate to the social counterparts. But they're used in different fields to mean different things, as there's only so many words to go around. It's similar to abbreviations.

    I feel kind of stupid for even having to explain this. You know what? I'm going to go back to doing useful work. Maybe you should do that too, by helping to solve social issues in developing countries where it actually matters, instead of getting all worked up about a piece of fucking code and messing with it from a €1000 machine that people in third-world countries that actually need your help can only dream of.
  • 3
    @inaba @bootleg-dev as for the level of acceptance by the community, the numbers speak for themselves. The issue's reactions show that better than I could ever get across with mere arguments.
    (Imgur link in case devRant compresses it too much to be readable: https://imgur.com/a/97CXpFj)
  • 0
    @Condor You're improving. Your second and third paragraphs were definitely much better and to the point.

    Though I'm not sure why you tagged me, as I never argued against it.
  • 0
    @Condor Also what on earth are these cats supposed to be? :v
  • 2
    @inaba https://play.google.com/store/apps/...
    I find it most intriguing that my screenshot comment got downvoted by the way. Goes to show just how open-minded even developers can be when presented with raw facts.
  • 1
    People bitched about it back then, and used the same rhetoric. These people got shut down hard as racist loons. Now it's happening again, just with more people bitching about it as everyone is catching on.
  • 0
    @Condor My point was that the outrage over a minor change was unwarranted.

    Just to clarify, I think those changes were not necessary, and I also think doing it for political reasons was probably not the best idea. But my main point I have been trying to argue is the fucking outrage about this. I want to know why people are so outraged? How many of the outraged people directly work with the interfaces touched by the change?

    Really the only reason I see for the outrage is that people think it's a slippery slope to SJW hell, which I think is a pretty stupid reason to be outraged about.

    Also we could argue if this is really a minor change, you have a point that it might break other existing "3rd" party documentation. But some of the changes even make sense without all the poltics, e.g. parent/child for process management, server in SSL context, etc.
  • 0
    @bootleg-dev It's more of a social issue than a technical one really. I've looked at the commit earlier and if memory serves me right, 5 files were changed. No big deal in the technical sense.

    The social part is the important one though. What good does it serve to ban certain words, and in this case even taking them out of context? Why was this change necessary, and how is it a good one? Change is important, but change just for the sake of change and PC isn't.

    In my own house I have a tendency to use swear words very often. Fuck, shit, cunt, things like that. Someone visiting me doesn't like it? They can fuck right off. That's why the idea of being offended by the terms master and slave feels so ridiculous to me.

    Where does it end? It's started to seep into technology with the whole GTA "digital rape", CS:GO "bullying & harassment" (H3H3 has a good video on both) and now it's entering the development scene. If we give into it, I'm pretty sure that the same SJW's will target source code more. And what for? What purpose does it serve, other than being offended for the sake of being offended?
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