
Apple fanboys justify the removal of audio jack as simplification of design. How the fuck am i supposed to find those damn pods if i misplace them. and what uf your bluetooth pods are shit and i want a different one. Fucking idiots.

  • 3
    Then there are wired headphones? Also they give you an adapter that you can use if you want to still use a 3.5mm headphone.

    I personally dislike that they removed the headphone jack but at the same time Apple does this all the time. Remember 32 bit OS? remember CD Drives? Remember VGA? Apple was the first or one of the first to remove them. People got over it eventually.
  • 0
    I wonder how long it will take for someone to build an Where-are-my-earpods app.
  • 0
    d should be capital. iDiots.
  • 0
    @AngryDev perfectly said
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