It would be fun to answer "myself", but I'm a terrible boss.

As a freelancer you're also helpdesk, finance and marketing of your own little company, and I'm horrible at those things.

My current boss lets me boss myself within the company, while I still get to enjoy the luxuries of company life — completely shielded from annoying questions, with a stable predictable income.

I do believe that's the optimal structure: Hire people who can manage themselves, and have a drive to improve the company with minimal oversight.

Don't have true "bosses" at all, just some people who are good at bridging communication gaps between the islands of self-reliant teams.

  • 3
    This is how i do, get people who can work on their own. Provide salaries and help them to improve their skills, reduce the hassle and exposure, you will get awesome working teams with high output 😁😁
  • 0
    Freelance colleague here. You should join the maatschap I participate in! You can then freelance and let the maatschap do all other things. They do all that stuff that you're not good at, don't like doing etc. We have more than 250 professionals today! Wanna know some more?
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