what the fuck happened with linus torvalds can someone explain ????

  • 2
    He had some discussions and some time to reflect and decided he's been an ass to other people now and then and wants to take a break to work on himself.

    Some people think this paired with the new code of conduct is not a coincidence, but we'll see.
  • 5
    @deadlyRants oh i remember when he said "linux is only free if your time has no value" was funny and rude as fuck

    anyways yeah id be a dick too if i worked my life off for dumbasses not to appreciate my work
  • 5
    @SukMikeHok While it sure is nice for one's work to be appreciated, if that's your only reason, then there is something wrong with your "motivation".

    (I completely agree on the quote, though.)
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