
Years ago, when I was a young developer, I was asked to design and implement a complex but usefull feature. It took me some time, but I was really proud of my creation. It passed all the tests and was approved for production deployment. However, while the code was deployed, the customer asked for it to remain disabled for a while.

Months passed, other features were added often breaking the one I created. But I was relentless. I've fixed it every time. I've kept it ready for great launch...

After a few years, when I was already working on a different project, I received an email about my feature. It turned out that everyone simply forgot about it. You might expect that it was finally turned on... Nope, that email was a kind request to remove that feature from code.

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    that would be one of the most painful story I've read for a while
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    oh you poor soul
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    This is how you learn the hard way that in tech 'for now' often means 'forever'. Always make new features on by default unless there is a really good reason not to. I feel for you. Let's have a moment of silence for the forgotten features.
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    @cjhowald Unfortunatelty, a policy that requires every new feature to implement an on/off switch (if it's applicable) that defaults to off, seems like a good enough reason for me ;)

    Those are the joys of working for a large companies that have lots of policies and require lots of signatures to do anything...
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    @tnnn that is an unfortunate policy.
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    Take the feature out and build an app around it!
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    @KiteZilla While I smiled widely when I read your suggestion (I've daydremed for a while :D), there are a few problems with the idea:

    1. I wrote that code while being employed and during my work hours. That means that this code belongs to the company that paid for it. I strongly respect that.

    2. The idea and requirements for that feature came from the aforementioned company. It's theirs and I also respect that.

    3. That feature makes absolutely no sense outside the aplication it was designed to work with.

    Still, it was a nice one - thanks :)
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    @tnn With any language other than Pearl there's only a handful of ways to do a particular thing so you probably have more scope here than you're currently thinking.

    I wouldn't make any bones about stealing your own idea either. The CEO probably wouldn't!
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    Really sorry to hear that.
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    @KiteZilla The fact is that it was their idea. I just turned that idea into (virtual) reality ;) Even if it was technically feasible to create an app based on that idea, my ethics subroutine wouldn't allow me to that.

    I just keep some fond memories of it and lots of experience I've earned during it's creation :)
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    I'll pour one out for you
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