Suggest some apps that every Linux User must have!
I need essential apps for software development!

  • 0
    Gitkraken (or any git client)
  • 2
    @hube ...but why?
  • 0
    It really depends on what you develop though

    Also, this should be classified as a question, not a rant with an extra question tag (or the other way round).
  • 1
    Really essential I guess it's just a terminal, a good text editor, git, and decent browser. Other sw depends on what you're developing, so it won't apply to every programmer.

    But other really useful apps I find essential are bleachbit (cleans junk files), gparted (disk and partition manager), slack (work communication), and devRantron (sanity maintenance application).
  • 6
    - VS-Code
    - nano
    - Neovim

    - Tilix
    - XFCE-Terminal
    - Kitty
    - Konsole

    - UFW
    - Firehol

    - Midnight Commander
    - Ranger
    - Filezilla

    - curl
    - Insomnia
    - Git
  • 4
    Don't forget thefuck, the most unused useful utility ever. Type `fuck` after a command line error and it tries to fix your mistake. Most of the time I know the mistake and fix it myself though.
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    Spacemacs does it all
  • 1
    Spotify 😂
  • 2
  • 0
    Text editor —>
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