FUCK OFF with all this Code of Conduct/ Contributors Covenant BULLSHIT..... Coraline Ada Ehmke The stupid cunt ass tranny bitch started this bullshit.
Heres a crazy idea.... Focus on the god damn code and quit worrying about the other shit.
If you cant stand the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen....
I am sooooo fucken tired of this pansy ass cry baby SJW generation. All of them just need to be forced onto a judas chair... im afraid they would like it too much tho.
At this point there is'nt a law to prevent me from discriminating against Political Ideologies in employment. Its the only way to prevent your company from being infected by the virus.

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    Don't forget that echo chambers create radicalised opinion due to missing exposure.
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    @groenkek I have no clue what you’re talking about
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    I would say it's a bigger problem when people knee-jerk fall back on alt-right extremist platitudes like, "SJW," when ceasing offense is as easy as just stopping.
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    @bahua Except it isn't about offense. These people feign offense at anything and everything, especially when it's enacted by someone with political/world views they disagree with.

    If they agree with you, anything and everything you say and do is fine. Shoot cops? Great! Threaten to punch people in the face? Totes fine. Scam people of charity contributions? Eh, whatever. But if they don't agree with you... they will find reasons to hate you and make you look despicable. Anything and everything, even thirty years back, is fair game and grounds for justified character assassination. Calling you racist, sexist, xenophobic, a pedophile, etc. is just a way to socially punish you for not agreeing with them.

    And you can't just "not offend" these people. It isn't possible unless you roll over, never say anything they haven't said first (and agree with currently), and let them walk all over you. But if you're male, white, Christian, successful, cisgender, etc., no amount of apologies or reparations will ever suffice. You will be apologizing and making reparations and sacrificing everything "for diversity" literally forever.
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    @bahua I also love (that's sarcasm) how you call the term "SJW" an "alt-right extremist" term when it's what these people literally self-identify as.

    It's also a very accurate term: They fight to bring "social justice" to others -- basically charging them in the "court of public opinion." That is all they ever do. (Hence why long lists of horrible insults are cliché SJW behavior. E.g. "and if you don't agree with me, you're a racist, sexist, misogynistic, islamophobic, alt-right pig!")
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    I am a white, hetero, successful male, and I just DO NOT understand this blind hatred that appears to just boil down to political differences. I have never been attacked or demonized by some surreptitious victimist movement. What I see lately on devrant though appears to be brigading from t_d extremists, and it really worries me. It makes me think about following Alice and Alex out the door.
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    Nobody sincerely identifies as a social justice warrior. The term is used by alt-right extremists as a tongue-in-cheek insult, making uninformed assumptions about the motivations of people whose beliefs differ.
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    @bahua ACTUALLY you are wrong the god damn tranny that invented the Contributors Covenant Code of Conduct bullshit literally says he’s a social justice warrior!!!!! Multiple times in videos and on his damn website promoting this bullshit
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    How can repeatedly refer to someone with the word tranny (used as an insult) yet claim there's no problem to be addressed is truly baffling to me.
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    @faktotum85 there is no problem in the work place... fucken work get your job done quit worrying about mindless irrelevant details of what people say. People who get offended by words won’t survive in a competitive work place .. the places where true innovation comes from. Imo. All these CoD and other shit waste time, resources and directs focus on details that don’t matter on the grand scheme of things regarding the project.. they only are subjective to the offended person.
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    Incorrect. People who wantonly offend and claim it's the fault of the offended are the ones who don't last in the competitive workplace. People who behave this way work alone, or they only work with people like themselves. I've seen countless incidents to this effect in my 18 years in the industry, and in the professional world in general. And if this is bad news to you, then you're really going to be upset with the workplace of the near future. In those same eighteen years, I have seen plenty of toxically offensive people avoid the just consequences of their actions, but those days are coming to an end.

    The recently adopted code of conduct amounts to basically making the Linux kernel development community almost, but not quite as, "restrictive" as any employer in the developed world.
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    @bahua if you don’t work in a culturally diverse environment because you live and work in a area that is not diverse there typically is less “offended” people. Everyone jokes around.. messes with each other and lives on.

    Do any of that in somewhere in Silicon Valley and you got a mob of people chasing after you over words.

    If you idea or plan at work is not gonna work, or I believe is stupid, I’m gonna tell you and explain.. want to prove me wrong do it and prove yourself. That’s my view my opinion isn’t based on the culture or gender of the person... it solely on the ideas, and implementations... the issue is those offended people think my opinion is based on their minorityness .. and it’s not.. that’s the mindset that needs to change
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    @bahua Someone has never been to Tumblr, I see, or met any of the Tumblrian SJWs irl. I worked with one, and she introduced me to several others via freelance work leads. (One of them was a home-made tranny porn site, built in wordpress. Offered payment was $100 or a free subscription. I politely declined and left in a hurry. 😶)

    I've seen and overheard several while eating sushi (no. not eavesdropping). I overheard a particularly loud conversation about economics and politics amongst six people while vacationing. These actually used the term SJW to describe themselves and some of the other participants.

    Trust me, SJWs are real.
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    @QuanticoCEO if you don't want people to think you're critizising them because of them being part of a minority then start by stopping to refer to the fact they are part of a minority as part of your criticism. You can't call someone a tranny bitch and then claim the fact they are trans has nothing to do with your criticism
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    At any rate I don't disagree with the idea that there is some value in people feeling comfortable making jokes. I just think people not having to worry about being made the but of those jokes in a way that makes THEM uncomfortable has at least the same value
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    Personally, while I disagree with extreme sjw I'd not really throw those kind of words at them. Call out their work, not the person.
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    As always it is that: Extreme/Not extreme. Not extreme SJWs theoretically aren't that bad. But when a fucking idiot comes along and calls me müßignögitic or whatever for fucking helping a women to move some boxes? happened to me a good 10 times on different occasions and fuck those people. I'd help anybody but you.
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    @faktotum85 I don’t not double your negative
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