
I totally envy people who have an ethernet connection, while installing arch Linux

  • 3
    Pro-tip that saved me once or twice:

    Connect an Android phone via USB, and in the options activate USB tether.

    The desktop will recognize the phone as a network card and use the connectivity provided by the phone

    Worked on Ubuntu, hope it applies to arch as well
  • 6
    @alesg Router ←→WiFi ←→ phone ←→ USB ←→ device
    Ah, the lengths we go through to install Arch...
  • 1
    Unfortunately using a USB tether is probably harder than just setting up wifi... Just don't forget the dialog and WPA packages and you should be good!

    Have had to go back to a Live CD many times to fix that, it is actually a bit of a nightmare xD
  • 0
    Just create a custom archiso with wicd-patched (AUR) installed... Ncurses gui for wireless cards!
  • 1
    @soulsuke The archiso already comes with wifi-menu, which is basically what you just described. It's also included in the base package.

    One thing that really grinds my gears though is that 'dialog', a dependecy for wifi-menu is not included in base.
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